
Sponsor A 

"Campbell Mountain Glitter Fairy Quest Game"

~ Like a geocache or poker run ~

                                Here's the SCOOP!

~~ Based on Snomoette and the Glitter Fairies  ~~

The Campbell Mountain Glitter Fairies have invented a new card game called the Glitter Fairy Quest Game.

Prinnie, the purple fairy who is most like a princess, thinks that since Queens look like princesses, they should be wild.

The rest of the fairies say, since there are eight fairies, that 8s should be wild.

The Fairies decide to cooperate, so the person with the most Queens and the most 8s wins the game!


Snomoette loves the Fairies' game, and has created an event like a geocache or poker-run

called the Glitter Fairy Quest Game,

\which can be played with or without snow and with or without snowmobiles.

Tokens will be distributed by your club

to businesses and/or on the trails - weather permitting -

so participants in the quest can receive an additional playing card.


Your Club sponsors the ride and chooses the participant entrance fee.

Your Club runs the Quest., so you can have 1st, 2d, and 3d prizes, or any other ideas you may like.


Your club headquarters for the day will be "Fairy Central," where

participants will sign in, get information, and then return there

to recieve their playing cards while enjoying dance music, and  party after the quest.


Your club will provide Fairy Central Headquarters, and Club Members to run your fundraiser,

sign guests in, deal the cards, and clean-up, as well as distribution of bonus card stickers to businesses and/or on the trail.

Your Club can provide a Chinese Auction or other fundraising activities, snacks and beverages, if they so choose.


Cosmic Dayette, LLC will provide a set of playing cards, bonus card stickers, dance music/sound system,  

and  - weather permitting - a special guest on the trails

who will distribute also distribute bonus card stickers.


Dayette J. Zampolin will read and sign Snomoette and the Glitter Fairies books and announce the winner of the Fairy Quest Game.


Call Dayette if your Club would like to sponsor a Fairy Quest Ride.

Note:  This game can be played regardless of the weather, with business participation in your area.

Snowmobiles are not required either, which will increase participation and your fundraising amounts, too!